Comparison of a list of trees using the Kendall Colijn metric. Output is given as a pairwise distance matrix. This is equivalent to the $D output from treespace but may be preferable for large datasets, and when principal co-ordinate analysis is not required. It includes an option to save memory at the expense of computation time.

  lambda = 0,
  return.lambda.function = FALSE,
  save.memory = FALSE, = NULL,
  emphasise.weight = 2



an object of the class multiPhylo containing the trees to be compared


a number in [0,1] which specifies the extent to which topology (default, with lambda=0) or branch lengths (lambda=1) are emphasised. This argument is ignored if return.lambda.function=TRUE.


If true, a function that can be invoked with different lambda values is returned. This function returns the matrix of metric values for the given lambda.


A flag that saves a lot of memory but increases the execution time (not compatible with return.lambda.function=TRUE).

an optional list of tips whose entries in the tree vectors should be emphasised. Defaults to NULL.


applicable only if a list is supplied to, this value (default 2) is the number by which vector entries corresponding to those tips are emphasised.


The pairwise tree distance matrix or a function that produces the distance matrix given a value for lambda.


Jacob Almagro-Garcia

Michelle Kendall


## generate 10 random trees, each with 6 tips
trees <- rmtree(10,6)

## pairwise distance matrix when lambda=0
#>           1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8
#> 2  5.567764                                                               
#> 3  3.605551 4.242641                                                      
#> 4  6.557439 5.099020 5.477226                                             
#> 5  5.916080 4.690416 5.477226 5.477226                                    
#> 6  6.082763 4.898979 5.477226 3.162278 5.477226                           
#> 7  6.708204 4.690416 5.477226 4.690416 5.656854 4.898979                  
#> 8  6.928203 5.567764 6.244998 7.141428 6.244998 7.000000 4.582576         
#> 9  5.000000 5.291503 4.898979 5.656854 4.472136 5.656854 5.656854 7.141428
#> 10 2.645751 5.099020 4.242641 5.830952 5.099020 5.291503 5.830952 6.403124
#>           9
#> 2          
#> 3          
#> 4          
#> 5          
#> 6          
#> 7          
#> 8          
#> 9          
#> 10 5.291503

## pairwise distance matrix as a function of lambda:
m <- multiDist(trees, return.lambda.function=TRUE)

## evaluate at lambda=0. Equivalent to multiDist(trees).
m0 <- m(0)

## save memory by recomputing each tree vector for each pairwise tree comparison (for fixed lambda):
m0.5 <- multiDist(trees,0.5,save.memory=TRUE)