Find the topologicial differences between two trees with the same tip labels. The function returns a data frame of the tips and the number of differences in their ancestry between the two trees. Called by plotTreeDiff, which highlights the differing tips in a plot of the two trees.

tipDiff(tr1, tr2, vec1 = NULL, vec2 = NULL, sizeOfDifferences = FALSE)



an object of the class phylo: the first tree to compare.


an object of the class phylo: the second tree to compare.


an optional input, the result of treeVec(tr1, lambda=0), to speed up the computation.


an optional input, the result of treeVec(tr2, lambda=0), to speed up the computation.


a logical (default FALSE) specifying whether the size of the differences in the vectors per tip is also computed


A data frame of the tree tips and the number of ancestral differences between them in the two trees, in order of increasing difference. A tip is said to have zero difference if each of its ancestral nodes admits the same tip partition in the two trees.


Michelle Kendall


## simple example on trees with five tips:
tr1 <- read.tree(text="((A:1,B:1):1,((C:1,D:1):1,E:1):1):1;")
tr2 <- read.tree(text="((A:1,B:1):1,(C:1,(D:1,E:1):1):1):1;")
#>   Tip No. of differences
#> 1   A                  0
#> 2   B                  0
#> 3   C                  1
#> 4   E                  1
#> 5   D                  2

## example on larger woodmice trees
#>        Tip No. of differences
#> 1  No0909S                  0
#> 2  No0912S                  0
#> 3  No1007S                  0
#> 4  No1103S                  0
#> 5  No1114S                  0
#> 6  No1208S                  0
#> 7    No305                  0
#> 8  No0908S                  1
#> 9  No0913S                  1
#> 10   No306                  1
#> 11   No304                  2
#> 12 No0906S                  3
#> 13 No0910S                  3
#> 14 No1202S                  3
#> 15 No1206S                  4