Compares phylogenetic trees using a choice of metrics / measures, and maps their pairwise distances into a small number of dimensions for easy visualisation and identification of clusters.

  method = "treeVec",
  nf = NULL,
  lambda = 0,
  return.tree.vectors = FALSE,
  processors = 1,



an object of the class multiPhylo


the method for summarising the tree as a vector. Choose from:

  • treeVec (default) the Kendall Colijn metric vector (for rooted trees)

  • BHV the Billera, Holmes Vogtmann metric using dist.multiPhylo from package distory (for rooted trees)

  • KF the Kuhner Felsenstein metric (branch score distance) using KF.dist from package phangorn (considers the trees unrooted)

  • RF the Robinson Foulds metric using RF.dist from package phangorn (considers the trees unrooted)

  • wRF the weighted Robinson Foulds metric using wRF.dist from package phangorn (considers the trees unrooted)

  • nNodes the Steel & Penny tip-tip path difference metric, (topological, ignoring branch lengths), using path.dist from package phangorn (considers the trees unrooted)

  • patristic the Steel & Penny tip-tip path difference metric, using branch lengths, calling path.dist from package phangorn (considers the trees unrooted)

  • Abouheif: performs Abouheif's test, inherited from distTips in adephylo. See Pavoine et al. (2008) and adephylo.

  • sumDD: sum of direct descendants of all nodes on the path, related to Abouheif's test, inherited from distTips in adephylo.


the number of principal components to retain


a number in [0,1] which specifies the extent to which topology (default, with lambda=0) or branch lengths (lambda=1) are emphasised in the Kendall Colijn metric.


if using the Kendall Colijn metric, this option will return the tree vectors as part of the output. Note that this can use a lot of memory so defaults to FALSE.


value (default 1) to be passed to mcmapply specifying the number of cores to use. Must be 1 on Windows (see mcmapply for more details).


further arguments to be passed to method.


Thibaut Jombart

Michelle Kendall


## generate list of trees
x <- rmtree(10, 20)
names(x) <- paste("tree", 1:10, sep = "")

## use treespace
res <- treespace(x, nf=3)

#> Error in s.label(dfxy = res$pco$li, xax = 1, yax = 2, plot = FALSE, storeData = TRUE,     pos = -3): non convenient selection for dfxy (can not be converted to dataframe)

woodmiceDists <- treespace(woodmiceTrees,nf=3)

woodmicedf <- woodmiceDists$pco$li
woodmiceplot <- ggplot(woodmicedf, aes(x=A1, y=A2)) # create plot
woodmiceplot + geom_density2d(colour="gray80") + # contour lines
geom_point(size=6, shape=1, colour="gray50") + # grey edges
geom_point(size=6, alpha=0.2, colour="navy") + # transparent blue points
xlab("") + ylab("") + theme_bw(base_family="") # remove axis labels and grey background
#> Loading required package: ggplot2

if (FALSE) {
plot3d(woodmicedf[,1], woodmicedf[,2], woodmicedf[,3], type="s", size=1.5,
col="navy", alpha=0.5, xlab="", ylab="", zlab="")